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Archivos: Eventos

Quantum Technology International Conference – QTech 2020

The growing ability to manipulate quantum systems is paving the way for a second quantum revolution and a number of initiatives worldwide have been formed to foster quantum technologies. These exciting novel applications are exploiting specific quantum properties which are not accessible with classical resources such as superposition and entanglement of individual quantum systems. The...

Quantum Hydrodynamics and Rayleigh-Taylor Instability

This seminar will be conducted remotely. To request the Zoom link, please send an email to: Abstract: Matter at extreme pressures, temperatures, and densities characterizes a wide variety of natural and man-made phenomena, including interiors of Jovian size planets, hyper-velocity meteor impacts, the burning core of stars, thermonuclear burning inertial confinement fusion capsules. Matter...

Deutsch’s Oracle

I love Deutsch's Oracle! Deutsch's Oracle essentially demonstrates how Quantum Computers can perform the mind-boggling, mystical computations that they do so effortlessly. Computations that mankind and womankind never thought possible!...

Choreographing Quantum Spin Dynamics with Light

The power of quantum information lies in its capacity to be non-local, encoded in correlations among two, three, or many entangled particles.  Yet our ability to produce, understand, and exploit...

How to efficiently characterize quantum hardware

Register to join us for a webinar on how to use quantum control and measurement to discover the unknown properties of quantum hardware, allowing simple tune up and the identification of...

UK National Quantum Technologies Showcase

This year, the UK National Quantum Technologies Showcase will be going virtual! Due to the restrictions and concerns around Covid-19, the event has been reformatted into an online showcase, on Friday 6th November. The ethos of the Showcase will stay the same - highlighting the expertise, capabilities and advances of quantum technologies in the UK...

Engineering superconducting circuits for high-performance quantum processors

Abstract: Superconducting qubits provide a promising platform for achieving scalable quantum information processing. However reaching fault tolerance requires further improvements in qubit coherence times, crosstalk suppression, and qubit control. In this talk, I will discuss our efforts in addressing these challenges. First, I will show how encoding a qubit in robust logical states with disjoint...

Cryptography – A Primer for Quantum Technologists

ABSTRACT: In this session, we will introduce (a) some basic cryptography techniques, then (b) discuss some of the post-quantum cryptography techniques considered for replacing key distribution in a post-quantum world. Also, (c) we will cover a quantum key distribution (QKD) technique known as BB84, which relies on the features of quantum physics to exchange private...

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