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Archivos: Eventos

IBM Quantum Challenge Fall 2022


The IBM Quantum Challenge Fall 2022 kicks off Friday, November 11 at 9:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern for eight days of learning and exploring the most promising applications in quantum computing through special missions distributed across four levels of ascending difficulty. Participants in this year’s Fall Challenge will enjoy eight days of learning, exploring the most...

Third International Workshop on Quantum Computing Software

The Third International Workshop on Quantum Computing Software will be held on Sunday, November 13, 2022 as part of the SC22 Conference in Dallas, Texas. The purpose of this workshop is to explore the innovative software needed to make quantum computing practical and accessible. It will focus heavily on the tools and software for quantum computing...

2022 Chicago Quantum Summit

This fifth annual Summit will provide opportunities to hear from leaders in quantum information science and engineering who are at the forefront of - and defining - this emerging field. These experts will share their insights and experiences growing government research initiatives, industry technology development, and building a quantum workforce. The two-day program will include industry and...

Puzzle X

Quantum Latino 2022 - Event Recap

There have been more technological advances in the past 50 years than the last 50,000 years or the entirety of human civilization. At this rate of breakthroughs, what was once deemed science fiction: quantum computers, printing atoms, sentient cities, molecular food, synthetic bio intelligence, ultimate connectivity and virtual-physical hybrids are much closer to reality than...

Puzzle X

Quantum Innovation 2022

Quantum Innovation 2022, the International Symposium on Quantum Science, Technology and Innovation, will be held on 28-30 November 2022 as Virtual Conference. The topics cover the latest achievements, trends and needs in quantum science and technology including quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum cryptography and quantum communication. Admission free. Advanced resigtration is required. Quantum Innovation 2022...

Quantum World Congress

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A Quantum World Congress Event will be held at the Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center in Washington, D.C. from November 29 to December 1, 2022. The Quantum World Congress (QWC) will bring together leading experts from across the industry to tackle pressing issues, trends, and insights. It will a plenary session, breakout tracks on market...

Fourth PQC Standardization Conference


At this conference, we will discuss various aspects of the candidate algorithms and obtain valuable feedback for informing decisions on standardization. NIST will invite the submission teams for both the selected algorithms, as well as the algorithms advancing to the fourth round, to give an update on their algorithms.

Q2B22 Silicon Valley

Q2B is excited to be back for the sixth year in a row, to connect the international quantum community computing ecosystems! Q2B will be featuring top academics, industry end users, government representatives and quantum computing vendors from all over the world.

SPIE Photonex

Come hear a great technical programme connecting research with industry. Engage in the latest research on a wide range of photonics and related technologies, such as quantum technologies, silicon photonics, biophotonics and imaging, organic semiconductors, photoemission spectroscopy for materials analysis, hyperspectral imaging, and more.

AIMday™ Quantum Technologies

Fast-track solutions through industry-academic collaboration Join us in Toronto on Wednesday December 7, 2022 for AIMday™ Quantum Technologies. (Venue to be announced.) Hosted by The Centre for Quantum Information and Quantum Control (CQIQC) at the University of Toronto, this AIMday™ will explore solutions to challenges that are important for advancing quantum applications and the quantum economy. Quantum Technologies –...

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