Recap: Career in Quantum Technologies Fair on March 3rd, 2022

Finding and retaining the best talent is hard in most industries. In Quantum Technologies, it’s no different. However, if you are looking for a career in Quantum Technologies or seeking the best candidates to join your company; you came to the right place.

The-Quantum-Technologies-Career-Fair-2022 poster

The event brought together 7 leading stakeholders across the Quantum Ecosystem from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Israel. They shared their experience to 691 registered attendees. The expert panels had 6 keynotes and short talks alongside 1789 booth visits and speed networking sessions. This happened between industries leaders and prospective talent.

In addition, QURECA Ltd teamed up with The Quantum Insider to organise the career in technologies fair. The event is organised to contribute to the development of a strong network of quantum academia and industry experts technologies. Equally, it will help filling the gap in this emerging technology. It also contribute to populate the Quantum Technonologies that will transform our society. Therefore, this is probably one of the reasons we have received some companies that were present last year at this second edition witness of the necessity and effectivity of a sustainable growing network.

Nonetheless, here are some feedback from companies and participant. In addition, during the last event, a company hired a participant of the event.See below.


Feedback received, from people who enjoyed the Career in Quantum Technologies Fair on March 3rd, 2022.

Event Follow-up!

A massive thank you to all the speakers, sponsors and talented individuals who participated in the event. We hope the event contributed to all the attendee and companies expectation. The event intend to connects leading employers with ambitious talent. It acts as a platform for companies to communicate what it’s like to work with them. And support applicants with networking. As a result, the team aim to host more Careers Fairs often, and we hope to see you there!

Some of the sessions from the Careers Fair were recorded. They are available on QURECA YouTube channel. This is a great opportunity for anyone who missed the event to find out more about the participating companies.

To learn more about the event and all our fantastic sponsors, have a look at our event booklet or contact us for the next quantum event.

Fuerza de trabajo cuánticaHabilidadesNoticias QURECAQuantumTecnologías cuánticas

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