51st IFF Spring School – Quantum Technology

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In the 2021 IFF Spring School, the students and young researchers will be exposed to the modern quantum mechanics tool box in order to equip them with the tools needed to tackle research problems in various different areas. The lecture plan will be organized to survey the entire scope of the current Quantum Technology Flagship of the European Union (qt.eu).

Lectures will be given covering each of the main research thrusts of the flagship: Quantum Communication, including quantum tools for network security and privacy; Quantum Computation, involving techniques from both solid state physics and atomic physics, where the quest is to have large-scale, reliable implementation of powerful computation; Quantum Simulation, which recognizes that even with near-term quantum processors of modest power, progress can be made in uncovering new features of our natural quantum world; and Quantum Sensing and Metrology, in which new quantum effects come closer to the ultimate limits of sensitivity.

Other topics will also be covered, from fundamental subjects such as quantum information theory, to the very technical area of systems engineering. Additional areas include quantum control techniques, and software design for quantum systems.

Topics of the lectures include the quantum view on:

  • Computation: hardware platforms, error correction, verification, software and applications
  • Communication
  • Simulation
  • Sensing and Metrology
  • Control Techniques
  • System Engineering
  • Industrial Perspectives

The IFF Spring School is organised in close collaboration with universities, research institutions, and industry.


(Online Event)


March 1, 2021
March 12, 2021
Event Website

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