Haciendo Computación Cuántica en América Latina

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Primer foro dedicado para la región donde abordaremos temas de industria y academia

Este foro es organizado por IBM, EAFIT, Hood College y Quantum Hispano con el objetivo de promover la colaboracion en la region, impulsar la educacion en computacion cuantica y acercar a la academia y la industria.

Registro en este enlace.

The first dedicated forum for the region working to address industry and academic issues.

This forum is organised by IBM, EAFIT, Hood College, and Quantum Hispano, with the objective to promote academic collaboration across the region, promote the wider education of quantum computing, and to bring academia and industry closer together.

Registration can be accessed via this link.


February 11, 2021 @ 2:00 pm
February 12, 2021 @ 6:00 pm
Event Website

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