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As COVID-19 rages on throughout the world, more people are seeing the value quantum computing can provide once the technology matures. An integral piece of quantum computing’s success is the middleware bridging existing code and algorithms to the new logical circuitry being established that sits on top of the quantum circuits. This integration and abstraction will allow the technology to process complex algorithms to provide the outcomes the hardware enables. Middleware is more readily available because it is less of an investment, and many middleware startups exist in the quantum computing space. As a result, alliance and acquisition activity should heat up first in the middleware space as hardware and services vendors scoop up software assets to differentiate.

Join Stephanie Long and Geoff Woollacott for a discussion about the current middleware ecosystem for quantum computing and their predictions on how the space will evolve over the next five years.

Don’t miss:

  • How COVID-19 has accelerated interest in quantum computing
  • What the quantum computing landscape will look like in 2025
  • Key middleware vendors and what types of moves make sense for M&A and alliance activity

TBR webinars are held typically on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. ET and include a 15-minute Q&A session following the main presentation. Previous webinars can be viewed anytime on TBR’s Webinar Portal.

For additional information or to arrange a briefing with our analysts, please contact TBR at webinars@tbri.com.


December 16, 2020
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