Optica Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition

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Quantum 2.0 refers to the development and use of many-particle quantum superposition and entanglement in large engineered systems to advance science and technology. Examples of such large quantum systems are quantum computers and simulators, quantum communication networks, and arrays of quantum sensors. New resulting technologies will go far beyond the (quantum 1.0) capabilities.

This conference brings together academics, engineers, national laboratory and industry scientists and others working to advance quantum science and technology. Our goal is to promote the development of mature quantum technologies that will allow us to build quantum 2.0 systems capable of quantum advantage. Participants will have the opportunity to interact and discover common ground, and potentially build collaborations leading to new concepts or development opportunities.

Who Should Attend and Why

This conference brings together academics, industry and government scientists, national labs and others working to advance quantum science and technology. Participants will have the opportunity to interact, discover common ground and potentially build collaborations leading to new concepts or development opportunities.

Conference Objectives

Our goal is to promote the development of mature quantum technologies that will allow us to build Quantum 2.0 systems capable of quantum advantage and to look forward to new scientific frontiers beyond the scope of current technologies.


June 23
June 27
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