Quantum Computing Nordic Meetup 25.11

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Accenture and IBM are organizing a virtual meetup session around quantum computing in the Nordics on Wednesday[masked]. The purpose of this event is to explore Nordic quantum computing ecosystem and create an opportunity for connections and networking.

Agenda (16:00-17:30 Helsinki /[masked] Oslo, Copenhagen, Stockholm):

– Welcome Note, Quantum Computing at Accenture – Carl Dukatz, Quantum Computing Global Lead, Accenture
– What is Quantum Computing? – Dr. Hassan Naseri, Quantum Information Scientist, Accenture
– Outlook on Quantum Computing – Teppo Seesto, IBM Q Ambassador, IBM
– Quantum Technology for Everyone – Prof. Sabrina Maniscalco, University of Helsinki and Aalto University
– Research at Quantum Technology Laboratory – Prof. Göran Wendin, Chalmers University of Technology
– Research at Quantum Community Network – Prof. Kjetil Børkje, University of South-Eastern Norway
– Building Quantum Computers – Rasmus Lindman, Head of Business Development, IQM
– Quantum Computing for the Financial Industry– Axel P. Mustad, Founder and CEO, Nordic Quantum Computing Group
– Q&A


November 25, 2020
Event Website

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