Towards a European Strategy on Quantum Photonics Integrated Circuits

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Photonic Integration in general and Quantum Photonic Integrated Circuits (QPICs) in particular are considered as an enabler for quantum technology, and conversely quantum technology is regarded as a major emerging market for photonic integration.

In order to profit from the Quantum Flagship and the Photonics21 ETP that are actively supporting these fields in Europe, joint efforts are needed to gain technological leadership and stimulate job creation.

In this context, a joint Focus Group from both initiatives has been formed, with the general goals of making QPICs a European priority and setting up a European QPIC infrastructure on the longer term. A position paper from this Focus Group that elaborates the required efforts in more detail is currently under preparation. This position paper will be used to build the basis for future cooperation of projects from both areas, better access to infrastructure and joint funding activities of both initiatives.

The Focus Group is organizing a joint online workshop “Towards a European Strategy on Quantum Photonics Integrated Circuits”, which aims on the one hand at presenting and discussing the preliminary version of the position paper and further elaborating the general goals of the joint efforts, and, on the other hand, at bringing together and showcasing research projects working on QPICs stemming from different funding initiatives.

A full summary of the workshop agenda, as well as a registration form for participants, can be found at this link.


March 1, 2021
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Event Website

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