Ready for Quantum? Commercial Quantum Readiness and Strategy
Developed by Aarhus University in context of the QTIndu-Project and funded by the European Commission, this series of workshops aims to help business professionals navigate the emerging trends and necessary resources linked to quantum technology and its applications. These in-person seminars are brought to you by Berlin Quantum and Leap Berlin.
qtindu.eu | berlinquantum.de | leap.berlin
Target Audience: Team Leaders, CEOs, CTOs
The Commercial Quantum Readiness and Strategy course is tailored for professionals exploring the emerging quantum landscape in commerce. With a focus on industry insights, it offers a comprehensive overview of quantum technology’s challenges and opportunities.
European companies face obstacles in talent acquisition, technical complexities, ecosystem development, and investment. To help navigating this field, the course will equip participants with an overview of the main challenges and chances of the developing quantum ecosystem.
The course involves practical engagement through posing questions about strategic quantum readiness that encourage participants to assess their organizational readiness and strategic positioning. Additionally, participants will analyze use case applications to evaluate the applicability of quantum computing within their respective industries.
Participants will learn to gauge tangible benefits for their organization that may enhance competitiveness, innovation, and growth. This way, participants will be able to spot emerging opportunities and capitalize through collaboration.