Feedback in Quantum Machines 2023

Chargement Évènements

Feedback control is used everywhere in today’s current technologies – everyone that has noise cancelling headphones for example, uses feedback control to cancel out surrounding noise.

In quantum machines – feedback control has been studied theoretically for some years, but only recently has it become to be possible experimentally to develop these ideas. Researchers are now on the cusp of bringing advanced feedback techniques into quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum communications.

This meeting brings together theorists and experimentalists, from around to world to share their knowledge on quantum feedback control and advance its potential use in tomorrow’s quantum machines.

This workshop is hosted by the Quantum Machines Unit in the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan.


Début :
novembre 27, 2023
Fin :
décembre 1, 2023
Event Website

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