Jonathan P. Dowling Memorial Conference on Quantum Science and Technology

Chargement Évènements

The MQ Centre for Quantum Engineering is organising this conference in memory of our colleague and mentor Jonathan P. Dowling.  Jonathan Dowling (1955–2020) was one of the pioneers of optical quantum information processing.  He was closely involved in the US government’s development of quantum information science, working on diverse topics including quantum metrology, Boson Sampling and quantum networks.  Jon would joke about his illustrious career. “There comes a time when a physicist must retire, go mad, or work to death; I call this the Josephson junction.”  This conference aims to celebrate the work and life of Jonathan Dowling with contributions from across the spectrum of quantum science.

Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Quantum technologies
  • Optical quantum computing
  • Quantum metrology and sensing
  • Quantum imaging
  • Boson sampling
  • Quantum internet
  • Quantum clock synchronisation and navigation
  • Quantum communication


Début :
janvier 9, 2023
Fin :
janvier 11, 2023
Event Website

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