Separating the signal from the noise
Leveraging technology, Finding novel data and Generating Alpha
As the use of quantitative techniques proliferates, active managers are finding it increasingly difficult to consistently beat the market. This shift is being driven by rapid technological advancements, and areas once dominated by fundamental analysis are now being influenced by data-driven approaches.
In this event, we will explore the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Large Language Models (LLMs) in finance. What was once speculative is now a reality—these technologies are not just being discussed but actively deployed, marking a sea change in the industry.
We’ll also dive into the intricacies of building and maintaining a quant-focused investment shop, including the evolving dynamics of asset allocation, risk management, and trade execution. As the market becomes more fluid, there is a notable return to foundational principles, prompting professionals to rethink strategies for navigating today’s complex financial landscape.
Join us for this insightful session, where we’ll examine how technological innovations are reshaping the quant investment landscape.