Quantum Computing Theory in Practice (QCTiP)

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The field of quantum computing is currently in an exceptionally exciting phase. Quantum hardware performance is experiencing significant improvements, and ongoing theoretical advancements are bringing practical applications of this hardware closer to realization. However, there is still much theoretical groundwork to cover in order to unlock the full potential of quantum computers.

Mark your calendars for the third Quantum Computing Theory in Practice (QCTiP) conference, hosted by the Quantum Software Lab and the University of Edinburgh from the 16th-18th April 2024. Building on the success of the previous Heilbronn quantum algorithms meetings (2010-2019) held in Bristol and Cambridge, QCTiP serves as a platform for fostering discussions among theorists and practitioners in the field of quantum computing. The workshop will feature keynote speakers, as well as invited and contributed talks from both academia and industry. Additionally, there will be a poster session and a panel discussion.


Début :
avril 16, 2024
Fin :
avril 18, 2024
Event Type:
Event Website
Where ?University of Edinburgh

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