We invite you to attend the first QWorld Annual Meeting! On 25.01.2025 we will meet to celebrate the International Year of Quantum, present QWorld and its QCousins, and discuss the opportunities for quantum activities and further development of the open quantum ecosystem.
This edition will be online (on Zoom) and we will start at 16:00 UTC+1.
Meeting Agenda
Opening remarks by Paweł Gora (Chairperson of QBoard)
Presentation of QWorld by Paweł Gora (Chairperson of QBoard)
Presentations by QCousins – part I
(Chair: Ian Craig)
16:15: QNigeria
16:21: QAlgeria
16:27: QRussia
16:33: QCzech
16:39: Break
16:45 | First invited talk
prof. Ahmed Younes
Preparing for Engagements with IYQ2025 Events and Activities
(Chair: Ian Craig)
17:15: Presentations by QCousins – part II
(Chair: Ini Ukut)
17:15: QSlovenia
17:21: QItaly
17:27: QIndia
17:33: QNepal
17:39: Break
17:45 | Second invited talk
Araceli Venegas-Gomez:
Careers in quantum technologies
(Chair: Abdulmalek Baitulmal)
18:15: Break
18:20: Presentations by QCousins – part III
(Chair: Abdulmalek Baitulmal)
18:20: QEgypt
18:26: QPoland
18:32: QGreece
18:38: QIreland
18:44: Break
18:50: Panel discussion
Opportunities for Non-Profits in the Evolving Global Quantum Technology Ecosystem
(Moderator: Mariana Filipova)
19:20: Break
19:25: Presentations by QCousins – part IV
(Chair: Paweł Gora)
19:25: QBulgaria
19:31: QLibya
19:37: QCameroon
19:43: QSouthAfrica
19:50: Break
19:55: Presentations by QCousins – part V
(Chair: Paweł Gora)
19:55: QMorocco
20:01: QHungary
20:07: QMexico
20:13: Concluding Remarks
20:15: Informal discussions, online networking (breakout rooms)
– quantum technologies – general discussions (Moderator: Abdulmalek Baitulmal)
– organizing workshops and other events (together) in 2025 (Moderator: Mariana Filipova)
– QWorld and QCousins – how to organize, lead, and improve them (Moderator: Paweł Gora)
Contact: info at qworld.net